
Director District 10
Ray Wilson
562-212-6133 mobile

Jay Bruce Zaidenberg (Rosemary)
Home: 714-960-2120
Cell: 714-272-2222

1st Vice President District 10    
Wayne Galloway       
714-332-4557 mobile

2nd Vice President District 10
Laura Ellsworth,
 562-708-9428 mobile

Secretary District 10  
Melinda Johnson-Pasqua, 
206-225-8207 mobile

District Treasurer:
Josef Davydovits (Felicia)
Cell: 714-351-9959

Fleet Surgeon:
Dr. Mark Monroe (Lina)
Home: 562-592-4144

Alternate District Director:
Rodney Coomber (Joyce)
Home: 562-377-0056
Cell: 714-488-2064

International Recording Secretary
Joyce Jackson-Coomber (Rodney Coomber)
Home: 562-377-0056

The mission of the International Order of the Blue Gavel is to recognize Past Commodores of the international yachting community and to unite them in order to promote the highest ideals of yachting and preserve its customs and traditions through social, educational and humanitarian programs.

Why Join the International Order of the Blue Gavel?

We are an International Organization of Past Commodores of qualified yacht clubs.
We are proven leaders and innovative problem solvers Membership is by invitation

The mission of the International Order of the Blue Gavel is to recognize Past Commodores of the international yachting community and to unite them in order to promote the highest ideals of yachting and preserve its customs and traditions through social, educational and humanitarian programs.


The mission of the International Order of the Blue Gavel is to recognize Past Commodores of the international yachting community and to unite them in order to promote the highest ideals of yachting and preserve its customs and traditions through social, educational and humanitarian programs.

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