

Elected Officers
Northwestern VP
Jim Martinson (Laurie)
2911 Briarwood Ct S
Puyallup, WA 98374
Cell: 253-318-4162
Email the NWVP…
Southwestern VP
Shelia Anderson
9270 Quarterhorse Lane
Unit #116
Las Vegas, NV 89178
Cell: 626-484-7822
Email the SWVP…
North Central VP
Rodger Dutton (Carolyn)
13538 Venetian Dr
Monroe, MI 48161
Cell: 734-773-6539
Email the NCVP…

 Southeastern VP
Karen E. Shea
5027 Herring Ct
New Port Richey, FL 34652
Cell: 727-389-0675
Email the SEVP…

Northeastern VP




Appointed Officers
Recording Secretary
Joyce Jackson-Coomber (Rodney)
4380 Johanna Avenue
Lakewood, CA 90713
Tel: 562-377-0056
Cell: 562-522-8731
Email the Recording Secretary…
Legal Officer
Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers)
2200 Grand Blvd
Monroe, MI 48162
Tel: 734-474-1195
Email the Legal Officer…

Communications Director
Mary Nye Meyers
P.O. Box 44130
Tacoma, WA 98448-0130
Tel/Cell: 253-224-8592
Email Communications Director…

Education Officer
Joseph Tringali (Mary Lou)
441 Marlin Road
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Tel: 561-848-4353
Cell: 561-906-4642
Email the Education Officer

Protocol Officer
Marsha Landreth
2300 Chico Ct
Oxnard, CA 93035
Tel: 805-889-0054
Email the Protocol Officer…

Past President Liaison Officer
Rosalie Davis-Green
1445 Stonewood Court
San Pedro, CA 90732

Tel: 310-508-5237

Email the P/P Liaison Officer…

Supply Officer
1380 Centerville LN #32
Gardnerville, NV 89410
Tel: 775-782-3380
Bus: 800-315-7485
Fax: 775-782-4003
Rosalie Davis-Green
1445 Stonewood Court
San Pedro, CA 90732

Tel: 310-508-5237
Email the Historian…

Sergeant at Arms



Boat U.S.
Jack Skidmore (Nancy)
Tel: 805-216-6261
Send an Email…

Boat U.S. Membership
Discount Code:
IOBG #GA 83629B

IOBG Auxiliary Liaison
Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers)
Tel: 734-474-1195
Send an Email…

IOBG Humanitarian
Foundation Liaison

Robert “Buzz” Bisanz (Nancy)
Tel: 770-337-8701
Send an Email…


Marsha Landreth
Tel: 805-889-0054
Send an Email…

Public Relations
Marsha Landreth
Tel: 805-889-0054
Send an Email…

Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers)
Tel: 734-474-1195
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National Boating Federation
Marlene Barrington (Hill)
Tel: 928-759-7158
Send an Email…
US Sailing
Mark Hansen
Tel: 310-376-1888
Cell: 310-601-0710
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America’s Boating Club
(Formally U.S. Power Squadron)
Audrey Rice
Tel: 941-474-2426
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U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Bob Brandenstein
Cell: 412-759-7801
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Finance Committee
Robert “Buzz” Bisanz (Nancy)
Tel: 770-337-8701
Send an Email…

Mark Vadaj (Robin)
Tel: 440-479-0064
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Kathy Smith (Gary)
Tel: 619-479-6292
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Marsha Landreth
Tel: 805-889-0054
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Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers)
Tel: 734-474-1195
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Jack Skidmore (Nancy)
Tel: 805-216-6261
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Executive Secretary

Kathy Smith (Gary)
Tel: 619-479-6292
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Marsha Landreth
Tel: 805-889-0054
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Robert “Buzz” Bisanz (Nancy)
Tel: 770-337-8701
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Sherry Barone
Tel: 310-720-9610
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Mark Vadaj (Robin)
Tel: 440-479-0064
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IOBG Eastside Member
Chris Aune
Tel: 440-669-5599
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IOBG Westside Member
Marge Bottari
Tel: 415-305-3425
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Robert “Buzz” Bisanz (Nancy)
Tel: 770-337-8701
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Kathy Smith (Gary)
Tel: 619-479-6292
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Marsha Landreth
Tel: 805-889-0054
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By-Laws and
Policy/Procedures Manual

Kathy Smith (Gary)
Tel: 619-479-6292
Send an Email…

Marsha Landreth
Tel: 805-889-0054
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Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers)
Tel: 734-474-1195
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Annual Meeting 2022
Kathy Smith (Gary)
Tel: 619-479-6292
Send an Email…

Annual Meeting Review

Robert “Buzz” Bisanz (Nancy)
Tel: 770-337-8701
Send an Email…

Marsha Landreth
Tel: 805-889-0054
Send an Email…

Jack Skidmore (Nancy)
Tel: 805-216-6261
Send an Email…

Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers)
Tel: 734-474-1195
Send an Email…

The mission of the International Order of the Blue Gavel is to recognize Past Commodores of the international yachting community and to unite them in order to promote the highest ideals of yachting and preserve its customs and traditions through social, educational and humanitarian programs.

Why Join the International Order of the Blue Gavel?

We are an International Organization of Past Commodores of qualified yacht clubs.
We are proven leaders and innovative problem solvers Membership is by invitation

The mission of the International Order of the Blue Gavel is to recognize Past Commodores of the international yachting community and to unite them in order to promote the highest ideals of yachting and preserve its customs and traditions through social, educational and humanitarian programs.


The mission of the International Order of the Blue Gavel is to recognize Past Commodores of the international yachting community and to unite them in order to promote the highest ideals of yachting and preserve its customs and traditions through social, educational and humanitarian programs.

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