Elected Officers | ||||||||
Appointed Officers |
Recording Secretary Joyce Jackson-Coomber (Rodney) 4380 Johanna Avenue Lakewood, CA 90713 Tel: 562-377-0056 Cell: 562-522-8731 Email the Recording Secretary… | Legal Officer Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers) 2200 Grand Blvd Monroe, MI 48162 Tel: 734-474-1195 Email the Legal Officer… | Communications Director Mary Nye Meyers P.O. Box 44130 Tacoma, WA 98448-0130 Tel/Cell: 253-224-8592 Email Communications Director… |
Education Officer | Protocol Officer | Past President Liaison Officer | |
Supply Officer COMMODORE INSIGNIA 1380 Centerville LN #32 Gardnerville, NV 89410 Tel: 775-782-3380 Bus: 800-315-7485 Fax: 775-782-4003 Comsignia@aol.com www.commodoreinsignia.com | Historian Rosalie Davis-Green 1445 Stonewood Court San Pedro, CA 90732 Tel: 310-508-5237 Email the Historian… | Sergeant at Arms Open |
Representatives |
Boat U.S. Boat U.S. Membership | IOBG Auxiliary Liaison Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers) Tel: 734-474-1195 Send an Email… | IOBG Humanitarian
Membership Marsha Landreth Tel: 805-889-0054 Send an Email… | Public Relations Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers) | National Boating Federation Marlene Barrington (Hill) Tel: 928-759-7158 Send an Email… |
US Sailing Mark Hansen Tel: 310-376-1888 Cell: 310-601-0710 Send an Email… | America’s Boating Club (Formally U.S. Power Squadron) Audrey Rice Tel: 941-474-2426 Send an Email… | U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary |
Committees |
Finance Committee Mark Vadaj (Robin) Kathy Smith (Gary) Marsha Landreth Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers) Jack Skidmore (Nancy) Executive Secretary Elections Marsha Landreth | Nominating Sherry Barone IOBG Eastside Member IOBG Westside Member Audit Kathy Smith (Gary) Marsha Landreth | By-Laws and Marsha Landreth Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers) Annual Meeting 2022
Marsha Landreth Jack Skidmore (Nancy) Steven Hyder (Pam Meyers) |